We all know that for a better life, we all need some kind of maintenance of our body. Some people just ignore caring for their bodies and I'm sure you may have heard of people who don't even bother to brush their teeth in the morning. Simple habits will make a great difference in your appearance. Especially women take a huge caring when it comes to maintaing beauty. But what about men???
We use bathrooms to have a private time for ourselves and freshen up. Freshen up yourself not only outside your body but from inside too. For that you need some time looking at your image and think of your dreams you want to achieve. For example: If you want to succeed in your studies and imagine your face with loads of happiness pouring all over the place. Smile with your reflection and determine to have that smiling face you saw in the mirror someday. Just like you wash away all the dirt you collected in a day by one single bath in your bathroom, Wash away all the bad stuff happened to you or all your guilty feelings or even your anger and jealousy with that bath.
Water is essential for our survival as it keeps our body cells alive and well hydrated. And most of the water we drink is turned into urine or sweat or vapour in expiration and leave our body. Therefore to prevent our body from dehydration and to maintain maximum functional level in cells we ought to drink at least 2 litres of water or 7-8 glasses of water daily. It acts as natural detergents when it comes to removal of inner waste. Adequate amount of water can make your skin glow and reduce the threats of having diseases. But please make sure to drink boiled and cooled water or purified filtered water. It is now found that water in plastic bottles can cause cancers in both men and women. So better to have a glass bottle if you require to carry water with you.
Stress can affect our health very adversely. For that you need to relax your mind. Find time to practice some mind relaxing exercises like yoga or simple mediation like focusing your mind on breathing. You can always engage in an activity like listening to slow music or just enjoy a view like sunset and have some tea. It is essential that you constantly keep the both hemispheres of your brain active equally. Some people think, solving problems and scientific activity is enough to activate your brain but remember, that's only the left part of your brain. Right part of the brain is related with activities like aesthetics, hobbies, philosophy etc. Have some kind of a hobby and engage in it. Have a leisure time which we used to have only when we were really small. Play with your family members or with your friends. If that's impossible join a sports club and give some adrenaline to flow into your muscles. Feel the happiness and feel the pain of the muscle activity. Dance alone in your room if you are too shy to dance with others, it doesn't matter. Relax your mind.... in order to activate it.
Friendship is a priceless medication that no pharmacy will be able to sell. If you have a problem talk with a good friend. We sometimes don't want to discuss our problems with family and try to loosen your burdens with someone you can trust. Sharing your problems and grief lessens them. Good friends help in building good social relationships too. Your personality can be greatly improved just by the association of a good company. They will help you to correct your mistakes. A good friend will never let you do the wrong and shows and blames your mistakes in the hope that you won't repeat them. That's a great way to improve you.
Think for a second, is maintaining your outer appearance enough??? No, because we all know true beauty comes within yourself. Beauty is like a chain when it comes to other related factors that enhance it. You cannot consider being attractive or beautiful without your personal cleanliness. It is a must in my point of view.
So here are some of the views of beauty experts and personality consultants which I'm sure will benefit you a lot.
- Keep your environment clean....
It means the place you live. It doesn't really matter where you live but make sure to keep it clean and nice. You have to feel comfortable in that space and mind relaxing. After tiring hours at work or stressful times in school n classes, you need to relax and find peace to fall asleep. So start with having clean sheets on your bead and a tidy bedroom. Don't hurry; I know it takes time... But once you have a tidy bedroom you won't feel like messing with it and eventually no matter how hard you find it to get time to clean, you will keep it at least a bit tidy.
- A mind relaxing bathroom....

- Drink H20 a lot!!!!

- Scrub your feet.....
A similar amount of attention that you give to your face must be given to your feet too. Brush your toenails and keep them clean and it will reduces problems like fungus growing inside them. Use a pack for your feet too and apply cream for supple and smooth looks.
- Take time for Mind activity.....

- Have good friends....

- Maintain quality........
Whether it's peeling an onion or ironing your clothes or talking to people or just completing your next project report, always try to maintain the quality that we try to have in our office or school. Don't enclose them to those places, try to do your work in the proper way even if it is hard or takes a lot of time. Quality is what many people notice and remember not your looks. For example, your boss always refers someone good at work as, the guy that did that presentation???? That guy who is punctual..... That lady who smiles always and polite to everyone???? Your bosses and heads will only remember your quality not what your lip color or what brand of perfume you wore....
Be polite to everyone, even to your enemies and embrace your good work with a humble smile. Help the others, don't look for social levels. Maintain your personal hygiene and your good looks. Remember that it will take time. But that time you waited will benefit you a lot more than you know..
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