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Friday, February 3, 2012

Water Marble Nail Art........

Hullo people, today I thought of presenting you a nail art design you will definitely like. Nails are a part of our beauty that we have to take good care of. Clean nails means good health. Nail Polish on your nails is like make up on your face. It beautifies your nails but once you are done with it make sure you remove them completely from the nails especially around the nail tip. And always remember to use a good quality nail polish remover that gives protection to your nails as well as nutrition. 
We all do nail polishing but this is something fascinating, I'm sure. Water marble nail designing is not hard. All you have to have is the right material and a bit of an artistic twist. Actually anyone can do it if you know how to match colours. The other good thing about water marble nail art is each design is totally new and one of a kind. And there are no limit for patterns you can create.

Here's what you need:
A disposable cup 3/4 filled with lukewarm water and extra water to refill after each finger.
Waste Newspaper
Cotton buds
Base coat polish
Top coat polish
two or nail polish colours of your choice
Nail polish remover
a cloth to wipe hands or tissues

Here's the method:

  1. First, clean your hands well, clean your nails and dry them well. Then apply the base coat on each nail well. 
  2. Then place the newspapers on a flat table top and place the cup with lukewarm water. 
  3. Then take the colours of your choice. Assume that I'm going to use pearl white, light blue and navy blue. There is no order in adding colours so add a drop of navy blue polish and let it spread on water a bit. Then on top of it add the next colour. Then on top of it the next. You can repeat to get many circles. The look on the water should be like a bull's eye.
  4. Now you can use the tooth pick to swirl the pattern you want. It could be anything.
  5. Place one of the nails facing down into the water. Keep your nail under the water for sometime. With a toothpick, clear away the excess polish from the water. The remaining color will pull away after a few seconds. Now, pull your nail out of the water. You can repeat it to the same nail to get a different effect.
  6. Repeat the above steps for each nail, remove the excess polish around the nail with nail polish remover and Q-tips, cotton buds and dry them well and apply the top coat for the final finish. Easy and Nice, Isn't it???

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  1. thank you sooo much! Im going to try this tonight!!!!!

  2. to be fair... this is really cool!!!!!! love you all xx

  3. This is actually good but it takes alot to master about 2 or three trys for me. -______________-

  4. so cool. I am trying this tonight @ my sleepovr w/ my BFF'S
