
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Home Made Nasi Goreng.....

So after ages of continuous studying and exams, I've finally got a vacation time to catch up with my blogging. "Designing is not an easy job and it definitely is not for light hearted people" that's what I learnt after two years of design work. Yes, it's very refreshing and interesting but all the same can be very stressful as well. While having all the fun with designing and planning, I occasionally find time to de-stress as well. My way of releasing stress is culinary art. Thank god, I had a blissful childhood with my grandmother who excelled in many cuisine around the world and I miss her dearly and her awesome, simple delicacies which inspired me to explore my takes on different dishes, meals and cuisines from around the world.... Oh, and please excuse for the quality of the picture. (Too hungry to take proper pictures, I guess... :P )