
Monday, October 22, 2012

Harmful Effects Of Air Pollution
Air pollution is among the most critical health concerns that the modern world is facing today. Rapid industrial and scientific advancement in the last century has certainly made human life more comfortable. But it has also been the main cause behind air pollution. Wastes in the form of smoke from industrial power plants, automobiles and homes pollute the atmosphere. Burning of fossil fuels like coal, wood, diesel, kerosene, petrol etc in industries, power plants and houses also causes air pollution.

The various pollutants present in contaminated air and their ill effects are:

1. Carbon monoxide- Carbon monoxide is produced due to incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons and fuels. This gas combines with hemoglobin and reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood. This leads to blurred vision, headache, unconsciousness and death in extreme cases. 

2. Hydrocarbons- The smoke emitted by automobiles contains a variety of hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons are formed from unburned fuel. During rain, the hydrocarbons present in the air enter the surface water. These hydrocarbons form a oily film on the surface of water. Drinking of water containing toxins like hydrocarbons can lead to typhoid, hepatitis, jaundice, cholera, diarrhea, dysentery and various skin ailments like formation of wrinkles and pimples. Regular use of Lifecell cream can help in getting rid of pimples and wrinkles.   

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Understanding Your Significant Other.....

Understanding is probably one of the most hardest things in this world. I know I sound pretty lame because all along our lives what we do is understand. Understanding the meaning of a simple word, understanding the nature of an animal and understanding the life, these are from the basics to the advanced levels yet perhaps the most advanced form of understanding comes when you are in love. They say we can never survive without water. Just like water, understanding should be there for a stronger and a stable relationship. Not only what is between two lovers but the relationship between a father and a son, a teacher and a student and an employer and an employee, they all revolve around understanding. So it is pretty important that you do understand.
We judge people. We make mistakes but mostly we do not try to resolve ourselves, to understand what we did were wrong. I once remember when I was a lil kiddo, my class teacher told me, "If you do wrong once you are forgiven, but you have to understand the consequences so that you don't repeat it." I never understood this while I was a young kid but now I do. It's the same theory you have to apply when you are in love. I have seen most of the couples in love falling in and out of love through the years. Some say they are simply fed up. Others claim that their partners were too harsh or they are strangers now. But if you think through you'll see the problem stands with the understanding. So here are few of the essentials we think you need for a better understanding and for a better relationship. You are welcome to add more to the short list.