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Monday, September 19, 2011

Open Your Mouth & Say Aaaaaa....

We often take care of our external beauty including our body and face. But it is equally important than you give much more attention to your teeth from your childhood. Even now I hate the idea that I still have to brush my teeth twice a day so imagine what it is like for kids (Lol). Teeth are a sign of good health and it is a valuable asset for a flawless and a beautiful smile. It is simple and all you have to do is brush your teeth. Some people may say that you have to refrain from eating sweets but for people like me, it is impossible. As long as you care about your teeth just like you do for your face it won't be a problem at all.
What you should know....
A good toothbrush and a good tooth paste is all you need for this 10 minutes work. Make sure you select a good tooth brush that covers whole of your mouth when you are brushing and a brush that can brush every nook and canny inside your mouth. Especially think about what type of fibers your brush should have as some fibers can harm the gum causing gum bleeding. Each day of our various media “attack” ads for different toothpastes: hygiene, whitening, treatment and prevention. Toothpaste, of course, and may be expensive, and cheap. However, this is not a substantial cause of differences in quality. Dentists in ads really sound convincing, even the prices of expensive creams are acceptable, especially taking into account the possible consequences of poor dental hygiene, but ultimately not the price, and the contents of a toothpaste determine whether it would work. Most of the products contain Calcium Carbonate which is actually chalk that can scratch tooth enamel and delete neck of the tooth.. And some contain Aluminium Oxide which is already banned in some countries.  Another is Triclosan – a chemical that destroys microorganisms in the oral cavity. But along with that it has the ability to harm useful micro organisms of the body. Moreover, bacteria are able to adapt quickly to Triclosan. Some manufacturers include dental antibacterial agents such as metronidazole and chlorhexidine. Recent studies indicate that they bear as much benefit as much as injury and specialists now recommend these not be used in the manufacture of toothpaste.
As we discussed earlier, Calcium Carbonate used cannot aid in  mineralization of teeth as it is insoluble. This function is however performed by Fluorine. 90% of all toothpastes contain Fluoride. But in different concentration of Fluoride toothpastes were significantly different, and also used fluorides are different. The most active and effective in this respect, is amino-flouride that creates a stable protective layer of enamel, but often lacking even in popular brands of toothpaste. More often used ones are expensive micro-phosphate (Colgate, Aquafresh) or sodium fluoride (Blend-a-Med), but form more abrasive protective layer. The fluoride is not at all compatible with inexpensive abrasives like calcium carbonate, because then there is no benefit from it. In toothpaste for sensitive teeth, often used florid lead, but as a side effect commonly seen staining of teeth and fillings in yellow-brown. The need for an adult of fluorine is 2-3 mg / day.  A person receives 1 / 3 of his required amount of fluoride through food, and two thirds from the water. Natural sources of fluoride include fish, apples and tea. Fluoride affects the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, involved in the formation of teeth and bones, but it must be remembered that the very substance of fluoride is second-class danger. Excess fluoride in the body causes overbalancing of the phosphorous-calcium exchange, leading to a violation of mineralization of bone tissue and tendons.

The scientists claim that fluorine in excessive amounts causes colloid rebirth of the tissue of the thyroid gland, reduces immunity impedes intracellular processes of synthesis and accelerates the physiological aging. A new study published in the journal Behavioral Brain Research, shows that fluoride is able to cause changes in the brain similar to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
The main conclusion: if Fluoride is actually able to help our teeth, it must be in extremely small doses. Far more useful is the element within the body in the necessary amount through food – fish, apples, tea. If you prefer tap water to mineral do not think you can without any danger to use compounds containing fluorine. Many experts stress how dangerous it is to use fluoridated water. Many people do not know that Fluoride is used for this comes from toxic waste containing lead and arsenic. It is well known and accepted by professionals in the selection rule of toothpaste, they should be changed more frequently – even in the morning and evening to use different types and in all cases carefully read everything written on the packaging. Moreover, the use of each toothpaste approved for sale is a better option than the absence of any regular care of teeth and mouth. So select the best for your dental needs and please do not go for the brands.
Teeth whitening at home
With a good home teeth whitening kit, you’ll use the same carbamide peroxide gel used by professional dentist. The latest advancement in home teeth whitening, make it easy to achieve result very quickly and normally just as good as professional teeth whitening.
The two main advantages of an at home whitening kit are the following:
1. The cost is much lower then professional bleaching
2. It is very convenient since it can be done at home.
The biggest disadvantage to home teeth whitening is that most people become overwhelmed with selecting the right option. There are simply too many options available on the market.
For most people the term teeth whitening is the generally accepted word for brightening the color of the tooth. However, you should be aware in the field of cosmetic dentistry and professional teeth whitening, the term teeth bleaching is often used to describe the process of brightening the natural pigment of your teeth. Whether you refer to the brightening process as whitening or bleaching, to get the maximum results you’ll need to utilize a gel such as carbamide peroxide to actually bleach your teeth to a lighter color. Agents such as baking soda, and toothpaste generally only clean the surface of your teeth, thus not having the same impact as carbamide peroxide gel.
As you discover more about brightening your teeth, don’t be surprised if you see the term teeth whitening and bleaching used interchangeably. It is a common practice for the industry to interchangeably use whitening and bleaching in advertising, home teeth whitening kits, and even professional teeth whitening options.
Tooth staining
Normally as you get older your teeth will have some staining. This is a result of dentin penetrating cracks in your tooth’s enamel as it becomes worn with age. Here are some practical areas you can apply in your life to reduce tooth staining.
Reduce Use of Dark Liquids and Food: 
Dark liquids like Coke, Pepsi, red wine, tea, dark fruit juice, and coffee can leave stains on your teeth. And foods that are have color such as carrots, oranges, blueberries, soy sauce, and Curry can leave stain in the pores of your teeth.
Risks Of Pharmaceutical Drugs:
Most all pharmaceutical drugs have some side effect to your body. You might think the FDA would not approve the drug if there were risks to you, but that is not always the case. Certain pharmaceutical drugs can create intrinsic staining to your teeth when your permanent teeth are forming. In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, too much fluoride during your teeth’s development can create intrinsic staining. So it is important your water is monitored and children are not swallowing toothpaste.
Avoid Smoking: 
Cigarettes are not only bad for your general health, but the nicotine in cigarettes can cause major dark colored staining. In the long term smoking stains can move from the outside of your teeth to a more intrinsic staining condition.
Tooth Distress: 
Bumping a tooth hard can crack the enamel, which intern leaves your tooth susceptible to extrinsic staining from substances like dark foods and liquids. Protecting your teeth by avoiding tooth distress can go a long way to helping your teeth remain white.

Always remember to pay a visit to your dentist once in every six months or so in order to identify early dental caries and to treat them. Teeth are beautiful and adorable until they are protected against various kinds of bacteria and germs. Once a teeth is uncovered for germs to feast on, you will have toothaches that you may never ever want to feel again. (Believe me. I have experience) So prevention is always better than cure. Hurry up and start brushing your teeth if you have forgotten to brush. Teach your kids to practice the methodological twice a day brushing. If you are an adult continue what your mommy taught you! You 'll have some teeth left when you are old at least. Start acting now and don't let the germs rule your teeth!!!!!

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