What if you can stay healthy & look young at the same time? What more do you need! Indeed, we know that there is a lot of pressure to many when it comes to seeing your first gray hair or wrinkle on your face. At the same time, most of the people, especially women try many cosmetic and chemical methodologies to look two three years younger. But have to considered that, it might actually cut two three years of your life? Well, they can if you aren't careful enough. Anyhow, natural methods of becoming beautiful and young have proven to be fruitful as well as friendlier. So let's find out what they are!
10. Drinking a lot of water
Consider your body as a factory. A factory always removes tons of waste and chemicals daily and so does your body. When you sweat, pass urine, exhale or loose water in any other form you remove waste from your body too. So the more you drink water, it's easy for your body to remove more and more unwanted chemical particles and waste from your body cleansing you from inside. The average amount you need to drink a day depends on your weight. It is said 8 glasses a day would do but if you have more weight, you better drink more.
Another tip is that water can reduce your weight. This is known as water therapy.
Drink a glass of water with a drop of lime or lemon early in the morning,
A glass of water 30 minutes before all three meals,
And more water during the day and less during night can help you displace your unnecessary weight. This really works.
9. Exercise or work your body out in the morning
Whether you choose to exercise in the morning or evening, it doesn't matter but, morning exercise can make you energetic throughout the day and it lets you focus more. Your body after a good night's sleep is ready for some action. When you burn the extra fat in your body, it releases energy for you to survive all day. This way you are fueled throughout the day and your daily routine is more active. When you are active, you tend to do things in a precise way too!
8. Vegetables & Fruits
We cannot escape from this one. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables helps you to be well nourished and your body finds it easy to do the necessary repairs and heal damages plus boost your immunity when it is given enough nutrients. Timely body damage repairs avoid unwanted scars, wounds and diseases making you healthy in the long run. Make sure you include Cucumber, Tomatoes, Carrots, Green leaves, Beet, Apples, Kiwi, Papaya, Cantaloupe and Pomegranate in your diet.
7. Laugh while you can
This doesn't cost you a thing! Laughing can cure many diseases if you don't know already. When you laugh out loud, your body tends to produce less stress hormones like Cortisol, Dopamine and Adrenaline and increase the production of endorphins and neurotransmitters. Also your body's immunity system tends to produce more effective T cells (anti bodies) making you less prone to diseases. All you have to do is laugh everyday.
Also, laughing has an impact on your breathing. You can laugh loud and it helps to expel the dead air out of your lungs with the help of contraction of your diaphragm. It's also a good exercise for your shoulders, cheek muscles and all facial tissues.
6. 15 minutes of morning sunshine
It's harmful to go out with a good 30+ SPF these days but your body needs sunlight more than you think. It's not tanning or burning under the scorching sun but a good 10- 15 minutes exposure to early morning sun shine can help your body energize and produce lots of Vitamin D to you. Best time for this is between 8 to 10 in the morning.
5. Balanced Diet
We talked about fruits and veges earlier. Not only them, it's vital you take all the nutrients in a balanced diet. Fats and oils make you gain weight and sick but it does not mean that you have to give up them. Giving up them will cost you another type of a disease only. A balanced diet consists of all six nutrients
Vitamins & Minerals,
Lipids and Water. You can see the necessary amounts of each (except water) from the food pyramid.
4. Stress & Anger Management
You need a plan to manage your stress and anger. When you fell like bursting with anger you get the burning from inside feeling. Well, it's not so different from what actually happens inside your body at that time. It's like your emotions are attached to each and every cell in your body. Your body releases hormones accordingly to cope up with your anger or stress ultimately damaging the body parts. As we all know suppressing anger and stress can be disasters. Your body knows it too that's why it releases stress and anger in forms of acne, itches, pains and aches, rashes etc. Remember, the more you get angry or stressed the more your body has to work to look young.
3. Personal Relationships
Feeling of love, care and affection has a great deal to do with your body. The more you flourish with these feelings, you can experience a fullness and a glow from your body. Have you seen the glowing skin of pregnant mothers or newly wed couples? This is because they share a mutual relationship with the baby growing inside/ their partner. Often it's proved through researches that married couples that tends to love making three or more times a week, stay healthy from diseases like heart attacks and look up to five years younger. So it is vital that you maintain healthy relationships full of love and understanding.
2. Refrain from Smoke and Alcohol
Now this is something that everyone knows. Smoke contains carcinogenic as well as very harmful minute particles that causes you look aged a lot. Wrinkles in the face and dark circles under eyes, puffed eyes, blacken lips, bad breath and ultimately a cancer or cirrhosis is all you get.
1. Engaging in social work, charity and wholesome deeds
Social work, charity and all these are towards in making a better life, a better place. All these are based on compassion and love. If you can, notice the personalities, beautiful skin and pleasant looks of priests, people who engage in these works. That's mostly because they are away from jealousy, envy, hatred and anger. Once your heart, mind and soul are away from them only love and compassion can fill in. And when your heart, mind and soul is filled with them, your body shows them off!
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