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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Best Ways To Get Necessary Vitamins To Your Body

Vitamins are vital for our body. Just like we can't live without water or Oxygen, other nutrients including Vitamins & Minerals are musts for the smooth functioning of your body. Vitamins however are a healthy aspect that many women ( and men of course) take care to get to their bodies because they are directly associated with your skin and beauty. Well, when it comes to beauty and skin care department, no one can stop us women from trying to get a healthier, glowing skin. Other nutrients do affect but effects of Vitamins are so visible and people often go for them than other nutrients. As you all know by now, Vitamins are grouped into two categories as water soluble and fat soluble. Vitamin D,E,A,K are fat soluble while the rest Vitamin Band complexes and C are water soluble. You should be able to have all the necessary Vitamins on a daily basis. Remember too much or none should be always avoided. So what can Vitamins do to your body?

Vitamins and your body

Vitamins while inside your body helps tissue growth and differentiation, They oversee the metabolism inside your body promoting over all health and protect you from certain diseases. Vitamins like Vitamin C helps Collagen fiber to grow and develop. Collagen is the fiber or the structural component that keep your skin firm and young. With age your body looses the ability to produce this collagen so still at young, if your body keep producing collagen, it won't be a problem much when you are aging. Most of the vitamins are antioxidants. They assist the body functions that are in the process of eliminating waste chemical from your body. Best example is Vitamin D. Important activities like vision, reproduction are maintained well because of your vitamins. I mentioned only the important ones, so it's shown here how much vital it is to get Vitamins into your body. Now let's see the ways to get Vitamins into your body. 

Ways to Get Vitamins into your body

  • Food and Drinks

The most common, ancient and most of the time efficient way to get Vitamins into your body is eating food that contains lots of Vitamins. Some have very high amount of Vitamins while others do not. Foods you should eat which have high amount of Vitamins are listed below. 

Vitamin Name Foods and Drinks which contain the Vitamin
Vitamin A milk, eggs, fortified cereals, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantaloupe, apricots, peaches, papayas, and mangoes
Vitamin B1
fortified breads, cereals, pasta, meat, fish, dried beans, soy foods, peas and whole grains like wheat germ.
Vitamin B2
meat, eggs, legumes like peas and lentils, nuts, dairy products, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, and fortified cereals.
Vitamin B3
 red meat, poultry, fish, fortified cereals, and peanuts
Vitamin B6 potatoes, bananas, beans, seeds, nuts, red meat, poultry, fish, eggs and spinach
Vitamin B9
(Folate or Folic Acid)
Liver, dried beans and other legumes, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, and orange juice, fortified bread, rice, and cereals.
Vitamin B12 fish, red meat, poultry, milk, cheese and eggs
Vitamin C
red berries, kiwi, red and green bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, and juices made from guava, grapefruit, and orange, lime, lemon

Vitamin D egg yolks, fish oils, and fortified foods like milk
Vitamin E vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables, avocados, wheat germ, and whole grains 

  • Sunlight for Vitamin D
One of the easiest and fastest ways (also the major) to get your daily Vitamin D intake fulfilled is to have good 15-20 minutes in early sunlight. As we all know and take precautions like wearing SPF to barricade the harmful rays of sun, it is vital that you get exposed to sunlight because your skin is the major active area that provide Vitamin D to your body but not the food that you take. So while eating Vitamin Ds, you have to let your skin work with sunlight. Best is to expose at around 8-10 a.m. to minimize the harm from sun. 

  • Supplementary  pills, capsules and syrups
You can get pills and capsules containing multivitamins, mostly dietary supplements. They are okay under the direction of your GP because if you take them along with your normal diet containing all the Vitamins you need on a daily basis, you could get over dose. That is not good. 

  • External lotions, creams and beauty products
Nowadays you are simply unable to find a beauty or a skin care product without vitamins. As I mentioned earlier, Vitamins play a visible role in maintaining your skin light, firm and beautiful. As obviously you are using beauty and skincare products, use the ones with natural vitamins instead of petroleum by products. Also, these Vitamins cannot make you over dose.

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