The Dream
“I will not… Not today…. Yes, when the time is right… not today… But be warned girl. You are making a serious mistake. You’ll never come back.” And the two hands that tortured me left for good.
That was the dream I’ve been having for the last two weeks. All I ever see is two hands, very white, choking me to death with the same words in a shrill voice. I’m a light sleeper most of the people say because, I dream a lot. But I never see the same dream twice but this one was way out of my hand. I told Cher about my dream. She didn’t pay much attention first but when I was having the same dream repeatedly for the seventh time, she told me to go to Ms. Cleanor.
Ms. Cleanor did not ask me back anything but she wanted me to forget what I saw and continue my normal routine. I wanted to ask her what if I see it again, but for some reason I skipped that part.
“You should have asked her. I’m not surprised she didn’t take you seriously, must be something not unusual though.” Cher replied when I told her about my meeting with Ms. Cleanor.
“You know what? Dreams are dreams. Reality is far more interesting than a stupid dream Ish. Common, cheer up. We’ll miss the Basket Ball match if we don’t go now.”