A woman's role in a family is something beyond our description. She is the back bone of the family. No matter western or eastern, woman holds major part of the responsibility of raising children, household chores and good family bonding. But today's busy life styles have affected many of our women making them forget about their health.
If you look up at researches done in calculating reasons for annual death toll of most of the countries, the main reason is non infectious diseases so as to tell diseases like Diabetes, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure etc. But what to say, the mistakes behind all these illnesses are our unhealthy food patterns. Due to extremely busy lives we've been adapted ourselves to depend on fast food. Fast food is defined as food items that lack the necessary level of nutrients and food that contain harmful amounts of chemicals, preservatives and additives. And also many of them are extra oily and sugar containing food. As we get an unbalanced diet from these fast food, they lack necessary amounts of nutrients. And as we don't get enough nutrients our anabolic and catabolic activities get unbalanced too.
Food like pizza, sauces exceed our daily intake of salt; 6g. When there is more salt in body, there amount of water in body increases as a result of negative feedback program initiated by our hypothalamus to regain the balance. This process over work our vital organs like heart, kidneys and frequent incidences like this eventually make our organs get fatigue and weaken quickly. And they are invitations for hyper tension. Fast food also invites diseases like Asthma, Gastritis many allergies.
Well refined grains, flour, oily food makes our body gain weight. Such food does not have fibres at all. Digestion of such food takes place instantly increasing the blood sugar level simultaneously. Thus to control the sudden increase, your Pancreas has to release hormone Insulin. If this happens on rare occasions, it is normal but when it happens frequently your pancreas gets weakened loosing the ability to secrete Insulin efficiently, eventually being unable to control the blood sugar level.
If our diet contain fibre containing food like vegetables, fruits, green leaves, they take considerable amount of time to digest controlling the rise in blood sugar level. There is no permanent cure for Diabetes once you get it. We can only control it with other food and medication. Diabetes is one of the worst because if you don't control it, it affects all of your body organs like eyes, legs, kidneys. Fast food make us hungry. So when the next meal time arrives, we tend to eat more. If that meal also contains loads of sugar or fat eventually fat will get deposited and giving rise to many health related problems. Because of unwanted fat, most men have apple shaped bellies where these fat get deposited. And in women, fat get deposited in pelvis area making it look like a pear shape.
High fat and high sugar increases blood cholesterol and they easily get deposited on inside of veins and arteries blocking the smooth blood flow. This causes High blood pressure. And the worst happens when small particles of fat deposits which are aka atherosclerosis detach and block coronary arteries which give rise to heart attacks. Some times cancers form due to high cholesterol level in blood.
Our diet should be able to satisfy our nutrient necessities not only our taste buds. We can easily have a good meal with grains, red rice, protein food like fish, meat, peas, beans, eggs,milk, green leaves and vegetables, fruits. If you do not focus on your health, you are leading your body, yourself and your whole family into danger....
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