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Wednesday, November 23, 2011


We often find many situations where many of us sometimes feel too much tired to carry on our work and that we have to sleep. That may prevail throughout whole day even. Well if so, this is not exactly a good sign about body. It could be just too much work but at the same time it could be a warning of the things that is going on inside your body. 

Thyroid Problems
Thyroid gland carries out various functions inside our body. It is an extremely active gland but its over activity and under activity can cause sleepiness or drowsiness. Thyroid problems are more common among women than men. Scientists guess that this is due to genes or may be hormones. However to find the cause for your extreme tiredness and drowsiness you have to face a blood test under medical advise.

Cardiac Problems
Heart problems are common among both men and women. When you heart is mal functioning your body does not get enough blood circulated throughout the body. That is why you are feeling tired. Doctors can often hear this from ladies with heart problems. Obesity, Hypertension, gene patterns in the family prone to heart problems are the main reasons for heart problems and if you have any of this it is advised to go for medical help. 

Vitamin D Deficiency
Most of us try to avoid sun shine even in the morning. But that is not good because the sun shine around 10 in the morning helps our skin cells to produce vitamin D which is very important. Lack of this vitamin D paves the ways for milk allergies, black skin etc. A black skin is unable to produce vitamin D from sun light. Some times we find cases that cannot absorb vitamin D from the digestive system. Obesity and less activity of vitamin D in kidneys give rise to deficiency of vitamin D in body. Lack of vitamin D is not good for bones too. It weakens the bones. You can find out whether your tiredness is caused by deficiency of vitamin D by a simple blood test.
When we don’t get enough Oxygen to the body cells, we feel drowsy and tiredness. Anemia is mainly due to loss of iron in your body. Iron helps to produce Haem group that is attached to blood transport proteins that form haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is the carrier unit of Oxygen in our body. You can again find out whether you are suffering from an anemic condition.

Most of the time people snore because they feel too tired. Obesity also causes snoring. 

Sleepless nights
Due to excessively heavy work load it has become a difficult task to find adequate time to have a sound sleep. An adult should sleep at least for 7 hours a day. Lack of sleep makes our body get tired quickly as sleep is the time that our body uses to repair itself.

Depression and tiredness are two sides of a coin. A depressed person can feel four times of the tiredness a normal person would feel. If so it is more likely that you cannot continue your daily routine vigorously.

Don’t ignore this tiredness and drowsiness as normal stuff especially if you are a working class person with tight schedules. Allocate some time to consider your body reactions and avoid diseases while you can.


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