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Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Have you ever given a thought about the food you eat?? Well of course you might have because now a days we are all very much concern about our body shape and diseases like Cholesterol and Diabetes. But have you ever really considered that we are actually fortunate enough that we get more than enough of food while there are people among us suffering from lack of proper food and nutrition. Just like many problems we are facing today, world hunger is another rising problem. But this is less global than other problems because many of the developed countries and some of the developing countries do not even have such a problem. But that does not make us forget the less fortunate people who are suffering from lack of food right now.

Many of the African countries face this food problem more than other countries. Few of the reasons for this is that they lack soil suitable for agricultural purposes or in other words lack of resources. Most of the time of the year, they face drought conditions and agricultural activities slow down. Hunger is only a reason for the mal nutrition conditions seen here. Mal nutrition is mainly due to lack of nutrients not food. If you closely study the children in these photographs you will see a characteristic protuberance of belly and skinny look. This is Mal nutrition. These people might get food that consist of starch and other carbohydrates but not minerals and vitamins that are essential for a proper growth.
What can we do????
We cannot rain in Africa of course but certainly we can supply food for them which is already taking place right now. Many developed countries provide food for these countries since a few years ago. But if you consider this as a serious problem you might see that, that supply is not sufficient for them at all. 

Many of our household meals are a bit more than the amount we actually eat. Most of the time we throw the excess as garbage and do not regret it at all. Even sometimes we load our plates with mounds of food and left most of them untouched and it goes as waste again. But if you give it a thought, you might realize how much you can save and how much you waste. If you are a person who does left most of the stuff you get into your plate, think of it as someone else's meal you are destroying and save it for the next time. This way you won't be wasting food and eventually you will realize that you are planning the amount you eat that results in non dieting amazing body shape too. 
Do your part for save lives..... Prevent world hunger crisis..... Because we are all humans after all....

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