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Sunday, January 15, 2012


Hey pals!!!!! It's 15th January already and what are your plans ahead????? Hoping for the week ahead's work to be easy and cool???? Or need some time alone with the long lost habits you used to have??? Well, I guess my topic for today is based on some facts about my friends and about me of course. It's the reading habit. If I raise the question, how many of you like to read books, I would probably get the answer "I used to be a bookworm, according to my mom but I don't have time now." Once I heard one of my friends say, she doesn't have time to read although she would literary do anything to get soaked in a book. This is the situation for most of us. 

When we were young, our parents used to give us books for our birthdays and used to tell us bed time stories. That can be identified as the first step of bonding with books. Stories make books far more interesting than facts and that's why most of the people like story books rather than text books. With growing technology and all, we still have the printed material with the smell of fresh paper because, having a newly bought book on a hand is a feeling that cannot be gained through e books. Only a book with the element of attraction can make a person a bookworm. As we all know, human brain is by far the most complicated thing we have ever seen, human curiosity and taste differ from person to person making it almost complicated just like the brain. 
Let me group bookworms, I like all kinds of books in general. Some people like fiction. Some like autobiographies while some like fairy tale books. 
Once, a very long time ago I used to argue with two friends based on Harry Potter series. I was so much attached to it, I actually ended up getting pissed off. Well, the argument was on that, Harry Potter is a big fat lie. I was opposing it then, but after sometime over the years, I understood why some people hate Harry Potter and why some are in love with Twilight series. Basically it's imagination. For mind freaks like myself, Harry Potter is inspiring as every bit because, J.K. Rowling somehow made us believed there is a real Hogwarts out there up North at least for a while we are in the books. It's total imagination and I believe such imagination deserve all these popularity. What makes Twilight interesting for some more than Harry Potter is that its story is not total imagination but a creative touch on the vampires we know. Its content is mostly romantic with average teen girl expectations of a perfect guy. No offense though as I like Harry Potter and Twilight both. 
There are all time classics like Maxim Gorky's, Charles Dickens' and Sir Arthur Conon Doyle's, whichever it is all these books have stories that have facts as well as imagination. "Reading makes a full man" is not just a saying but it is true to the max. Not only reading but writing a one is also the same. Reading is like feeding your mind. Books have such knowledge that one can sit and learn stuff about world without being at those places. Being a bookworm is not just a leisure time activity but it makes you social and a mind reader. While we are reading, we virtually live inside the story so that we learn to think like the writer, understand the writer's ideas of each character and unintentionally we try to relate those characters to our societies too. That, in a way allows us to understand people and cope up with them.
So much to talk about books and bookworms but I'll finalize my entry by saying,
"Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested."
Sir Francis Bacon 

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