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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Siri: Your wish is its command!

With the advancement of technology, application of complicated software for our daily use has become nothing but an excited experience today. Apple is one such name that has become a trend setting company consuming most of the customer attraction of the world. Latest of its iPhone series, the 4S is well equipped with many modern novelties including the application Siri; an intelligent personal assistant and a knowledge navigator to help you through your daily activities. Believe me Siri is one of a kind and a should not miss experience.  The specialty or specialties in many occasions, of this application is that its versatility and capacity to adapt. 
Developed by the Apple Inc., this was first released on 9th August, 2011 with multi lingual application in English, Japanese, French and German. Simply put, Siri is like a person inside your phone. It's designed to converse with people in such a way that after sometime, it will analyze and personalize the commands of its owner and present recommendations matched with its owner's personal taste. In other words, you may converse with a simpler form of AI which identify and understands your voice commands and evolve each time you reply. 
Basically Siri can be your personal assistant or secretary like. You give it a command, it will obey. Or you could ask a question and it will be back with answers. Other wise, you could just have a conversation with it and it'll converse back. Siri's significance is that it will not usually give you the same answer twice which is very unlike the other intelligent knowledge navigators in the market. As I mentioned earlier, Siri can speak four languages. It comes with female and male voice restrictions and you can choose the gender. Conversing with Siri is very interesting. Here are some of the questions and bits of conversations with Siri.

Who are you???

Who made you??

Who is Steve Jobs???

Simple questions/commands/ requests that you can ask Siri just like you do from a normal person.

If you ask Siri "What's the best phone?"

You can place reminders too....

You can ask Siri to set the timer if you want

Siri can remember relationships just like we do.......

The best after that is you only have to say brother, and Siri will find  the contact number.... Whoops! It can write messages while you dictate too....

If you ask the date.....

Set the alarm........ Siri will do it of course....

Same with the time.......

You can locate places too....

To be continued..............

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