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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Conversing with Siri; your intelligent agent

Howdy and hi!!!! In our last post Siri: Your wish is its command!,  we took a little introduction about Siri and some of its uses. Siri is also capable of chatting with you when you feel like talking to someone. Or else, just to have a laugh you can try some of the given below. It's simply tempting because it changes its response every time which means you won't hear the same twice for the same question. But remember, pronunciation is a crucial fact when conversing with Siri. 

What are you doing???

Where are you??

Your age please........

Man or woman..... boy or a girl?????


I'm bored..........

What is god???

Where is god?

Who is your daddy???

Sing a song........

Play a song from your music library........

Make me a sandwich..........


You are smart you know.........

Date of death????


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