Each year we celebrate some sort of a cause or a fact on a specific day because of the importance of it to us. For the same importance calculated worldwide, April 22nd is regarded as the International Mother Earth Day. There is a reason why we all call our planet Mother Earth. Unlike many great scientific discoveries, Earth and its life must have been the most inspiring discovery of all. Darwin explained us the theory of evolution which is a process that is well observed and executed by our mother nature itself. Man, that means us is known to be the most intelligent of all species is also a creation by Mother Nature. Therefore, it is our responsibility as the ones with the brains to look after our creator as well as those others Mother Earth has created otherwise, we must not forget that our destruction lie within the near future.
Earth Day 2012, Mobilize the Earth falls on today as it celebrates its 42nd anniversary since its conception in 1969. This year's theme revolves around the idea to raise awareness globally about our planet Earth and its environmental concerns that had been masked due to other matters like recession. Also they hope to impact global community with the idea that "Earth will not wait" which in mine as well as many others' opinions is true. Since primary school, we are taught that there will be major environmental problems in the future. That was before the millennium. And now we are over a decade from the millennium and most of the countries in the world have started to feel what we learnt at school. Global warming, Increase in Green House gases, Depletion of the Ozone layer, Melting of polar ice caps, Increase in sea level etc. the list could go on and on and yet won't stop.
I remember studying Dinosaurs and other extinct animals and even watching films like Jurassic Park. Some may think that this is utter rubbish but people like Einstein, Darwin also believed in the idea that man even though the greatest of species in the world, has no control over its nature. The reason there are extinct animals is that they do not support the continuous process of evolution. Simply put they were incompatible with the flow. Same thing could happen to current species that live on Earth including man if we prove harmful or dangerous to our planet Earth. At the current state of living, we have to admit that we are degrading our environment to a state that now we are facing the consequences very badly.
There is a reason that Mother Nature made us more intelligent than any other species is that we can affect the outcome. For better or for worse, we can still affect the on going process. Individually as well as globally we can change and hopefully we may be able to reduce the environmental damage. Starting from today if you already haven't do your part to protect Mother Earth. Be eco-friendly and learn to appreciate nature rather than stealing the resources. Learn to save while using. Work hard for a sustainable future rather than nothing for good present. Leave some thing to appreciate for the generations of our daughters and sons just like our forefathers left us beautiful Amazon, Congo and all the natural wonders. Initiate the first step today because my friends, "Earth will not wait."
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